Happy Valentines Day Messages SMS Greetings Quotes Wishes
Looking for valentines Day Greetings Quotes collection? So you are on right place. At this post you can find Valentines Day Messages, SMS, Greetings Wishes.
Valentine’s is coming on 14th February 2015 now the time has to be come for share your feelings with your beloved. Valentine’s Day is the festival of love and it is celebrated in most of the today’s youth. On Valentine’s Day girl friend tell their feeling for their boyfriends and same also boyfriend do. Here on this post we are providing you Valentine’s Day Messages in various languages. Get here Valentine’s Day Greeting SMS, Valentine’s Day Greeting Wishes, and Valentine’s Day Greeting Quotes and so on. Greeting means to wish someone with the feeling on that particular occasion.

Valentine’s Day Greeting Wishes 2014:-
My soul is shattered without your arms to hold me,
Like a mirror without a reflection.
A story without title
A game without players…
I life without reason..
I Love U my Love..
Lets join up and fall in mutual weirdness and lets call it love… Will you be my valentine?? Valentine’s day is the one day which reminds you that if you don’t have a special someone, you’re alone. We’re lucky that you’ve me and i’ve you as special someone.
Happy Valentines Day dear.
V….is for Valentine; you are my only Valentine
A…..is for I will Always be yours
L…..is for Love at its most extreme
E…..is for Everlasting love; Ecstatic love.
N…..is for Never-ending love
T…..is for we will always be together forever
I…..is for you being Intelligent and Innocent;
N….is 4 Natures naughty way of saying I love you to
E…..is for Eternity our love is so everlasting.
We Cannot Be Together
But, will never be apart,
For no matter what life bring to us,
You are always in my heart
Every time I see you,
I feel a little flame in my heart,
That lights up, because… I LOVE YOU!
I will hold on you forever because
I have never known someone more special than you.
The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you,
Not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.
You know I wish I can be with you
every day for 8 days a week and 25 hrs a day.
I never seem to get enough of you.
I prayed and prayed to God to bless me with a Valentine Who is a gentle person, upbeat and fine I prayed and prayed to God to bless me with a Valentine A perfect person like you who would always be mine Happy Valentine’s Day!
This article we listed Best valentines day quotes and sms for your friends and colleagues school and college friends and others.