Happy Birthday Return Wishes – Best Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday Return Wishes
Many people wish you on your birthday and you have to say thanks to them for wishing you and you need to know some better way to to wish them back and we will provide you list of quotes which will help you to wish them back.

- Thank you so much for the kind birthday wishes. You helped make it a very happy birthday. Much love.
- Hey Everyone, I just wanted to thank all of you and to let you guys know how wonderful it feels to have friends like you that can share in my special day. Thanks!
- Friends, thank you so much for the kind words on my birthday! I really appreciate the well wishes as I slowly climb over the hill. Can’t wait to party with you ladies soon! Kisses and hugs!
- Thank you so much my lovely friends who made my day. I love you all very much for the wonderful feelings you gave me on my special day and made it the most memorable birthday of my life. God bless you. 🙂
- Thank you guys. That was the best birthday wishes ever! you guys rock.
- Thank you all for remembering my birthday (As if Facebook didnot remind you! I will keep all your wishes close to my heart.
- Your wishes were all that was needed, to make my birthday much more special Thanks a lot!
Happy Birthday Return Wishes
- All of your birthday messages made my birthday so special.
- Thanks for all for the birthday messages. It really means a lot to me.
- I am so thankful for all of your birthday wishes and all of your friendships. I’m really feeling the love.
- I just want to thank all you wonderful people for your warm and earnest birthday wishes.
- I appreciate your good wishes for my birthday.
- All of your birthday messages makes growing older easier. Thanks.
- Thanks for all your warm and loving wishes. My birthday wouldn’t have been the same without them.
- Thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday. For those who forgot to wish me a happy birthday: No cake for you!
- I appreciate the birthday messages which made my birthday all the more special.
- A friend like you is the greatest gift in life. Thank you for your birthday message.
- Thank you for the awesome birthday messages. I really appreciate them. You’re all guys are so great.
- It wouldn’t be a happy birthday without having friends like you all. Thanks for all of your messages
- Thanks so much for your birthday wishes, they made my day extra special.
- I will keep all your messages close to my heart. Thanks for remembering my birthday.
- My birthday just wouldn’t have been the same without your thoughtful wishes, I appreciate it greatly.
Happy Birthday Return Wishes
- I don’t think of it as being another year older. I think of it as another year of having enjoyed a friend like you. Thank you.
- Birthday Wishes from the people who care for you is just like – “God blessing you with a million dollar cheque”. With these Wishes one could live a long time.
- Hi my friends, I just want to take a second to say thanks to all of you for making my 40th birthday very special. You are the best friends a gal could hope for.
- No matter how old we get, we all always need the support of our friends. Thank you once again, my lovies, for being with me on my birthday.
- It wouldn’t be a happy birthday without having friends like you guys, the wishes much appreciated.
- Hello everybody. It was so nice of you to stop by to wish me a “Happy Birthday”. it made my birthday just a little bit more special Thank you…
- Thanks guys for the awesome birthday wishes! You guys are so sweet!
- Thank you all for your warm wishes. Wish us all a happy life ahead. Love you all!!!
- Thank you dear. Thanks a lot, you are so special to me and your wishes too. I can not believe I have to wait another year to hear such sweet things again. And i love you so much. You are the one who makes me whole. Once again i thank you for this compliment and the wonderful wishes, i will never ever forget this.
- Lynette, I’d like to thank you for making my birthday so special. I enjoyed the movie we saw and I absolutely loved the huge barrel of buttery popcorn we ate. It was our night together that made my birthday wishes come true.
- Thanks so much for your wishes!! You made my Birthday… All the more special. May God Bless You All.
- Thank you to all my good old friends for coming and wishing me a happy birthday. It was great to see all of you on my birthday and rememberinge all the happy times we had together. This was a very special day for me because of you all. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and the generous gifts and I hope we all keep in touch. Love you lots ….
Sending a loved one a birthday message that’s funny will have them chuckling all week, so why not be the reason for their laughter and send them one of these comical funny Birthday wishes .